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Learn more on how to ship your luggage with us

Guides & Tips

How to Pack Your Luggage for Shipping

With the right steps and precautions, you can ensure that your luggage reaches its destination safely and in perfect condition.

1. Prepare Your Luggage

  • Secure any loose items inside your luggage.
  • Wrap fragile items in clothing or bubble wrap for extra protection.
  • You can ship the luggage as is, you do not need a box. We do recommend a box for added protection though.

2. Print Labels

  • MOST IMPORTANT: Print Two Labels: One should go inside a luggage pocket as a backup, and the other should be attached to the outside.
  • Attaching the external label:
    • Directly on Luggage: Use a shipping luggage tag and zip tie it to the top handle. Avoid taping directly to the canvas or soft cloth area of the bag.
    • Box: Affix the label to the upper side of the box. Use clear packaging tape to cover the entire label, ensuring it’s securely laminated to the box.

3. Carrier Stores Can Help

Many carrier stores offer boxes, label plastic sleeves, and zip ties.

You can also print your labels at their stores.

4. Drop-off or Wait For Pickup

You can drop off at any carrier store, you do not have to specify which one.

If you paid for a pickup, make sure to read our pickup guide.